Download the Audio Files....
  1. To download audio files for Part 1, please click here.
  2. Then, choose the "Save As..." option, and save the compressed folder to your own computer. Please be mindful of where you save the file so that you can find it for Step 4.
  3. Please wait about 1 minute for the folder to download. These are folders with large files; some users report that opening them right away results in errors.
  4. Next, locate the compressed folder and double-click on it. It's self-extracting, so it should de-compress immediately after you double-click.
  5. Should you have any difficulties with this process, kindly contact the webmaster, for technical assistance. Please indicate if you're on a Mac, a PC, or using another OS (please specify).
  6. To download the audio files for Part 2, please click here, choose the "Save As..." option again, save the compressed folder to your computer, wait about 1 minute, and double-click to de-compress the folder.
Audio Files
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